Arm’s Length Principle 

Galleri Monitor
Gothenburg, 2024

Pigment prints 
90 x 135 cm


I photograph myself at home, within an arm’s length distance. I hold the camera in my hand and point the lens at myself. I often can't look through the viewfinder, which limits my control over the composition. The initial intention may or may not materialize as planned.

In the series Arm’s Length Principle, I position myself as a photographic subject under a predetermined set of rules, investigating my bodily presence within the confines of my home. In this context, I am both the observer and the observed, though the gaze is not solely my own; rather, I relinquish some control over it. The camera acts as a third eye, offering a perspective that feels both unfamiliar and partly beyond my control. My body becomes an object of curiosity approached differently from my usual way of seeing. In this equation, the randomness afforded by the camera plays a crucial role.

What lies outside the frame also holds significant meaning. Through the images, I explore the relationship between intimacy and distance by playing with the act of revealing and concealing. I am intrigued by how physical proximity to the camera can also serve as a form of disguise. The closer I move, the more blurred my outlines become. The camera is both intrusive and direct, yet permissive and enabling. It grants me autonomy while forcing me to relinquish control.